Altered Books by Vicki Milewski
As a child, curiosity about how books are made led me to disassemble many old books investigating different types of bindings and pagination. Then, my recreations began as small books containing my short stories and poetry. The constructions became increasingly elaborate until it was clear a new way of reading and understanding could be attained.
Click below to visit my Artist Books/Altered Books website:
Below are selected altered books click on the titles or images to see more.
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Leaves of Grass Suffragette Pocket

Above is an altered book artwork made from a book I am writing called Tell. I find making altered books from my own manuscripts is another way toward revision and editing. The main flower image has four stems which anchor it to parts of the text that tell of an experience in the Place Between Two Rocks when a plant told explains the true medicine of living your life.
Shown: Place Between Two Rocks
Artist: Vicki Milewski
Materials Used: Several draft manuscripts of Tell by Vicki Milewski, glue, silk thread
Dimensions: Height: 14", Width is 11", Depth is 17"
Above is an altered book artwork which merges two symbols of individualism—the boteh which symbolizes an eternal dimensional approach to the individual in a community and Whitman’s timeless words which speak of the strength of each individual and how “every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you”.
Shown : Leaves of Grass Suffragette Pocket
Artist: Vicki Milewski
Materials Used: 2 different copies of Leaves of Grass Signet Classic 1980 and Random House 1983 editions, Printed fabric, silk thread and embroidery floss, glass beads, dyed buckskin ties, vintage blue silk rope from Buddhist beads as a handle with tassels
Dimensions: Height 8", Width 5", depth 5"

Song of Myself:
Above is an Altered Book artwork made from Part 47 of Song of Myself which says, "You must habit yourself to the dazzle of life in every moment of your life"
Shown: Song of Myself: Dazzle
Artist: Vicki Milewski
Materials Used: Paper, glue, dyes, faceted rock crystal, wood, glass
Dimensions: Height 7", Width 5", Depth 3"
Above is an Altered book artwork made from drafts of a poetry chapbook I wrote during my time teaching high school in Chicago’s inner city Du Sable High School. I wrote poems about certain students and situations I found myself in that had a paralyzing effect. Making this Altered Book released me.
Shown: Paralyzed Flowers: The Regeneration
Artist: Vicki Milewski
Materials Used: Paper, glue, pencils, carboard, glass
Dimensions: Height 10", Width 5" Depth 5"