by Vicki Milewski
I think you have to write 1000's of poems to have one. Maybe it's more like 1,000,000's of lines to have one. Or maybe you just write until you can feel it. Poetry for me is a chance to explore language and meaning beyond the constraints of grammar and form. Knowing the rules and breaking them is fun, breaking future rules is better and that is what poetry is for me. There are so many ways to express ourselves and yet I keep coming back to my words, to my thoughts, to my feelings. Poetry contains them all
Here are two downloads.
The first download is a book of poetry I wrote called Communications, A We. It helped me to grieve the loss of my parents as we prepared the childhood home for sale, but it also helped me to accept who I was and am still trying to be.
The second download is a poem I wrote about an Yves Klein exhibit at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN. It's in two parts, I like the ending very much so please download the scond pdf!
Here is one poem I wrote and revised and have been reading lately. I miss singing at a church in Chicago since moving up to Wisconsin and this poem helps me feel closer to it
Reasons for Going to Church I.
The branches curved into an “S” shape
Helen tapped her foot while the soloist sang
The wood breathed
The building sighed, lowered itself further into the ground
The church opened its doors wide
the apostles waited for
holy spirit, jesus christ, or just some sign
while some knew the secret in their hearts—
they will live forever
they will wait upon his return
The rain during church made my flowers grow.
You were there.