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American Icons: 

Corn and Milk

by Vicki Milewski


American Icons:  Corn and Milk   explores food production sustainability through artworks focused on the relationship between us and the food system we have created.  Family dairy farming is the center of Part One and its heart is seen in the corn fields and in the milk house receiving jar--since all corn grown is fed to the cows and all milk flows into the receiving jar after milking  The journey of this collection moves from the corn fields growing under moons which are brought into full color at dawn.  Then into the barn and milk house with its receiving jar filled with milk and the history of modern day farming to see if the future of farming lies inside as well.  There is also a metaphysical journey to explore where our food comes from.  Asking questions like: What is our pure energy source?  How can we create a sustainable system to produce this power source?  Who is to do the work in this creation?  What are the tools needed to create this sustainable system that will be empowering for all involved--the earth, those who do the work and those who benefit from the products?  American Icons:  Corn and Milk also posits that a transition in our food system is underway and documents this moment to remember and to vision what is to come next.


Selected artworks from this collection:

American Icons: 


The Receiving Jar Collection Catalog

You can read the extensive research that helped form the Receiving Jar Series part of this this exhibit in PDF form or online click on either link.


The American Icons:  Corn and Milk price list also contains additional images from this award winning collection



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