Shoe Factory Woods
by Vicki Milewski
I have been walking with my walking friend for over a decade and have come to find such inspiration from the walking, conversation and scenery in this small paradise just outside of Chicago, IL
Selected artworks from this collection:

Prayer Flag Maple Tree
Each fall this tree amazes with deep red leaves that cover it in strange configuration

Berry Tree with Ghost Cloud
This cloud loomed up over the fall golden grass as we stood with the Berry Tree and watched.
Prayer Flag Tree 1
Even the leaves on this Maple tree are fantastical in shape

Birch Trees in the Fall
They seem to dance and enjoy growing together.

White Flowers in Golden Grass
These white flowers had such a glow and presence!
Oak Tree Hill
This lone oak stands on the highest hill surrounded by sky and grass.

Golden Grass
The restored prairie grasses turn such a brilliant gold in the fall

My Two Favorites
The Oak tree on the Hill and the Prayer Flag Maple--my two favorites