Special Places Collection
Photography by Vicki Milewski
This photographic collection has over 100 images of special places.
Sometimes a lifetime is built into a place making it special; sometimes a single moment can do the same.
All images are for sale and can be made in a variety of sizes on photo paper or canvas.
All images are copyrighted please do not copy.

A Spring sunrise over an open field on Milewski Farm

Mt Shasta in northern California is a special place that holds history, mystery and great camping and hiking.

A Pipestone Moment looking up toward the rising sun

A very special place in the Badlands of South Dakota

In 2006 my friend Greta (seen enjoying the river) went on a 4 month journey to reclaim ourselves.

Hovenweep National Monument is a quiet special place with views of Ute Mountain and trails holding a past civilizations architecture.

Sunrise in Arches National Park

A summer day in Arches National Park

Backpacking on Black Elk Peak and staying for a few days means rejuvenation and clarity

Horse Thief Lake in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The dew clings to the evergreens fragrancing the air as it dries

My Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota

Greta was my doberman hiking friend and she cools her feet in a creek in Wapiti Valley just outside of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Small corn cobs start to form under the golden tassels

Echinacea purpurea which larkspur

Early May apple tree blooms of the softest white and reds.

A maple tree starts to turn red in early Fall

Singing at the Green Mill is always a treat!